Sunday, September 20, 2009

Podcasting in the classroom?

The advancement in today's technology has opened everyone's eye. It is producing many jobs, and giving people a different perspective on how they do things, especially in the field of education. And one of these advancements are podcasting. Podcasting(for all of you that do not know) is a way to get information out to everyone on certain subjects via streaming audio or video. And the question is: Should future educators use this type of medium in the class room? and my answer is yes.

To me, podcasting could be extremely helpful in ways. One way is that, our students can be familiar with the world and be informed about how things are preformed around the world; what they are learning, and what goes on in their world. And know that there is more out there than what they are used to. Another reason is that it is easier to get information to students and they could possibly understand harder subjects a little easier. And finally, its a good way for the parents, students, and teachers to have an easier communication on what is going on in the class room. So the parents can know what their kids are learning and what they can do to help.


  1. If I can learn to understand it, and do it well. I plan on trying it. I also plan to have a blog that the kids have to check every day.
